Strengthening Landmark Product Brands: and Weihai Co-Build Marine Industry Belt

For many years, JD Supermarket has implemented a four-in-one strategy of direct sourcing from production areas, strict quality control, supply chain cost reduction and efficiency improvement, and billion-yuan subsidies. This approach has introduced numerous high-quality products at the lowest prices on the internet, allowing consumers to purchase affordable and reliable goods. A prime example of this strategy is the collaboration between and the Weihai government, industry associations, and leading local enterprises to establish the JD Weihai Marine Industry Belt.

Located at the golden latitude of 37°N, Weihai boasts nearly a thousand kilometers of coastline with relatively flat nearshore seabeds across various sea areas. It serves as the throat and transit point for the exchange of waters between the northern and southern Yellow Sea, making it an ideal place for sea cucumber growth. According to Professor Liang Zhenlin from the Oceanography Institute of Shandong University, Weihai is far from industrial and navigational routes, resulting in a 100% high-quality water rate, making it genuinely clear and pollution-free. Additionally, the intersection of the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea at Shandong, coupled with the flow of ocean currents, brings a higher water quality replacement rate and abundant bait resources. Weihai, with its unique maritime advantages, produces sea cucumbers that are superior in both quantity and quality.

While the reputation of Weihai sea cucumbers continues to rise, some irregularities have also surfaced in the market. Li Junfeng, Chairman of the Weihai Sea Cucumber Industry Association, points out that the primary issues in Weihai sea cucumber sales include the addition of sugar, salt, water, and the passing off of non-local products as authentic ones. Some online channels even sell sea cucumbers with half a pound of sugar and half a pound of water per pound of sea cucumber. These inferior fake products quickly capture the market with extremely low prices, disrupting industry order.

In recent years, JD Supermarket, as the largest online channel for consumers to purchase sea cucumbers, has been deeply involved in the high-quality sea cucumber industry belt. Through close cooperation with local governments, associations, and leading enterprises, JD Supermarket has reduced intermediate links to enhance the circulation efficiency of sea cucumbers and promote the sustainable high-quality development of the sea cucumber industry.

Hu Hai, the head of fresh sea cucumber procurement and sales at JD Supermarket, explains that to eliminate industry irregularities and meet consumers’ needs for high cost-performance products, JD Supermarket has stationed buyers directly in production areas for direct sourcing to ensure low prices. Additionally, to prevent inferior fake sea cucumbers from being passed off as good ones, JD has arranged for quality inspection experts to monitor and inspect the entire process, ensuring the reliability of sea cucumber quality.

Furthermore, JD Supermarket collaborates with the government and associations to co-build geographical indications and establish a traceability system. This system strictly controls the listing and operation of geographical indication products on the platform, ensuring the platform’s reputation for genuine and reliable products.

In terms of cold chain logistics, JD Supermarket leverages JD’s nationwide cold chain logistics network to ensure the timeliness and quality of product delivery. Currently, JD Airlines has opened flights to Weihai, and JD has established two supply chain bases in Weihai to coordinate logistics scheduling, achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

Regarding the cooperation between Weihai sea cucumbers and JD Supermarket, Li Yongren, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Weihai Marine Development Bureau, stated that with the start of the first autumn catch, both parties will jointly promote the upgrading of the industry belt around the characteristic sea products represented by “Weihai sea cucumber.” By leveraging JD’s advantageous resources, they aim to strengthen the brand image of Weihai landmark products, bringing new growth opportunities for increased production and income.

Post time: Jul-04-2024