Sedex Certification

1. Introduction to Sedex Certification

Sedex certification is an internationally recognized social responsibility standard aimed at assessing companies' performance in areas such as labor rights, health and safety, environmental protection, and business ethics. This report aims to detail the proactive measures taken and significant achievements made by the company in the field of human rights during the successful Sedex certification process.

2. Human Rights Policy and Commitment

1. The company adheres to core values of respecting and safeguarding human rights, integrating human rights principles into its governance framework and operational strategies.

2. We have established clear human rights policies, committing to comply with international human rights conventions and relevant laws and regulations to ensure equal, fair, free, and dignified treatment for employees in the workplace.

3. Employee Rights Protection

3.1. Recruitment and Employment:  We follow principles of fairness, impartiality, and non-discrimination in recruitment, eliminating any unreasonable restrictions and discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, religion, age, and nationality. Comprehensive onboarding training is provided to new employees, covering company culture, rules and regulations, and human rights policies.

3.2. Working Hours and Rest Breaks:  We strictly adhere to local laws and regulations regarding working hours and rest breaks to ensure employees' right to rest. We implement a reasonable overtime system and comply with legal requirements for compensatory time off or overtime pay.

3.3 Compensation and Benefits:  We have established a fair and reasonable compensation system to ensure that employees' wages are not lower than local minimum wage standards. We provide appropriate rewards and promotion opportunities based on employees' performance and contributions. Comprehensive welfare benefits are provided, including social insurance, housing provident fund, and commercial insurance.

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4. Occupational Health and Safety

4.1. Safety Management System: We have established a sound occupational health and safety management system, developed detailed safety operating procedures, and emergency plans. Regular safety risk assessments are conducted in the workplace, and effective preventive measures are taken to eliminate safety hazards.

4.2. Training and Education: Necessary occupational health and safety training is provided to enhance employees' safety awareness and self-protection capabilities. Employees are encouraged to actively participate in safety management by proposing rationalized suggestions and improvement measures.

4.3. Personal Protective Equipment**: Qualified personal protective equipment is provided to employees according to relevant standards, with regular inspections and replacements.

5. Non-Discrimination and Harassment

5.1. Policy Formulation: We explicitly prohibit any form of discrimination and harassment, including but not limited to racial discrimination, gender discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, and religious discrimination. Dedicated complaint channels are established to encourage employees to bravely report discriminatory and harassing behaviors.

5.2. Training and Awareness: Regular anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training is conducted to raise employees' awareness and sensitivity to related issues. The principles and policies of anti-discrimination and anti-harassment are widely disseminated through internal communication channels.

6. Employee Development and Communication

6.1. Training and Development: We have developed employee training and development plans, providing diverse training courses and learning opportunities to help employees enhance their professional skills and overall competencies. We support employees' career development plans and provide opportunities for internal promotion and job rotation.

6.2. Communication Mechanisms: We have established effective employee communication channels, including regular employee satisfaction surveys, forums, and suggestion boxes. We promptly respond to employees' concerns and grievances, actively addressing issues and difficulties raised by employees.

7. Supervision and Evaluation

7.1. Internal Oversight: A dedicated human rights monitoring team has been established to regularly inspect and evaluate the company's implementation of human rights policies. Identified issues are promptly rectified, and the effectiveness of corrective actions is monitored.

7.2. External Audits: We actively cooperate with Sedex certification bodies for audits, providing relevant data and information truthfully. We take audit recommendations seriously, continuously improving our human rights management system.

Achieving Sedex certification is a significant accomplishment in our commitment to human rights protection and a solemn pledge to society and employees. We will continue to steadfastly uphold human rights principles, continuously improve and enhance human rights management measures, and create a more fair, just, safe, and harmonious working environment for employees, contributing to sustainable social development.
